Congratulations, by clicking on this link you have probably doomed yourself to your respective government monitoring your internet activities for the next five years. If you want to avoid this I recommend you immediately report me to as many security agencies as possible. Don’t worry; they’re already watching me. (Fools they watch you all)

Unless your stupid you’ve probably already figured out that this section of my site has been devoted to conquering the world, or at least softening it up for future conquest.

Here’s the deal, I have already taken the privilege of recording some of my own personal  plots, you send me yours and unless I find them offensive (unlikely) I will post them here along with a text link to your site, if you have one and your email address if you want.

The order that your plot gets put in depends on how much I like it.


Killer Kittys: Make a virulent strain of cat rabies, introduce to the cat population, wait for all cat owners to be viciously killed. With the worlds supply of idiots depleted someone with half a brain should soon take power. The world will unite in universal peace, when this has occurred I will reveal my self as the master mind behind the cat plague and will be put in charge by popular demand.


Old School Bond Villain I and a select team of genetically perfect amazons take a space shuttle to the moon where robots construct a city for us. We employ our orbital rail gun to shoot giant steel girders into fault lines around the earth and trigger world wide destruction. Returning to earth with time capsules full of carefully preserved machines and weapons we conquer those few survivors reduced to barbarism and rule them like gods. This one sent in by Greg O’Driscoll of Wish in One Hand


Stick It To The Man:Catch a plane to America, go to Washington, wait for George. W. Bush to come back from holiday. Sneak up behind him and punch in the back of the head.

Repeat process with John Howard and Tony Blair.

Ok so this plan won’t bring me any closer to conquering the world, infact it’s guaranteed to get me arrested, it will however make me feel very good inside.


Staple diet: Take an addictive compound, (there’s plenty out there they just don’t all make you feel good) start a bread/potato/rice/pasta company add afore mentioned compound to bread/potato/rice/pasta when my produce has become ridiculously successful I will cut of the supply to any one who refuses to bow down before my graven image.


Air Today Gone Tomorrow: Patent the idea of oxygen farms. When the last of the worlds trees have been felled power will easily fall into my hands.


Ah Sweet Chaos: Send to every major world leader an anonymous message I saw what you did and I have photos. While they are all in hiding or ruining their reputations by making blanket denials rise to power through a bloody (optional) campaign.


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